
Rest in Peace Steve Jobs

9:35 pm - Jason G. - Quotes, Technology

In his own words, spoken like a true Buddhist and Visionary:

…And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

And for a little context, here is a quote from President Obama about Steve Jobs giving him an iPad2, “Steve Jobs actually gave it to me, a little bit early. Yeah, it was cool. I got it directly from him.”



8:32 am - Jason G. - Quotes

Karl Popper believed that even scientific knowledge does not qualify as the ultimate truth. Rather, scientific theories should be accepted as provisionally true as no amount of corroborating evidence can rule out the possibility that some contradictory evidence will turn up in the future.

Great quote, though I forgot where I found it…


Make No Little Plans

6:06 pm - Jason G. - Quotes

“Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably themselves will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will never die, but long after we are gone will be a living thing, asserting itself with ever-growing insistency. Remember that our sons and grandsons are going to do things that would stagger us. Let your watchword be order and your beacon beauty. Think big.”

-Daniel Burnham, Chicago architect. (1846-1912)


Willing People

7:22 am - Jason G. - Quotes

“The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, the rest willing to let them.” – Robert Frost


Word Processor

4:20 pm - Jason G. - Quotes

The last time somebody said, ‘I find I can write much better with a word processor.’, I replied, ‘They used to say the same thing about drugs.’

-Roy Bount Jr.



5:21 am - Jason G. - Quotes

“My definition of an expert in any field is a person who knows enough about what’s really going on to be scared.”
-PJ Plauger



7:23 pm - Jason G. - Quotes

We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.
— Anais Nin



2:05 pm - Jason G. - Quotes

If you put tomfoolery into a computer, nothing comes out of it but tomfoolery. But this tomfoolery, having passed through a very expensive machine, is somehow ennobled and no-one dares criticize it.

-Pierre Gallois



8:44 pm - Jason G. - Quotes

Nothing in the world can take the place of perseverance. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

— Calvin Coolidge



10:40 pm - Jason G. - Quotes

“Most men only care for science so far as they get a living by it, but they will worship error when it affords them a subsistence.”

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