There’s a great new site called Catalog Choice that will cancel junk mail catalogs for you.
Catalog Choice is a free service that allows you to decide what gets in your mailbox. Use it to reduce your mailbox clutter, while helping save natural resources.
It’s run by hippies that want to save on wasted paper, so they’re not going to re-sell your address if you use them.
I thought this was clever… Read a book via RSS feeds… they take a book and split it up into small chunks. Then they take those chunks and put them in an RSS feed, releasing sections of the story on your preferred schedule (weekdays, every day of week, MWF are the choices right now) and the time you prefer.
They mostly have public domain books, but they do have a few recent books, such as this scifi book that is fairly recent, Eastern Standard Tribe, by Cory Doctorow (of Boing, Boing fame). The author in this case is a proponent of the open source equivalent in literature…
I have dabbled with the LinkedIns, Friendster, Plaxo, and contemplated Facebook, but just haven’t had the urge to really get into social networking sites. That, and the ones I used briefly have never really provided any benefit other than augmenting email.
…I think its safe to say that the marketplace does not have space for 9 (nine!) of these companies. And I probably missed some. Eventually, there may be some consolidation -we see it starting already. That means two things: One, I have no idea where my personal data and address book will ultimately end up, what company or person; and B) the liklihood is that at least 2 but more likely 3 and probably 4 and maybe even 5, and quite possibly 6 of these firms will go belly up, the long dirt nap, buy a farm.
And when that happens, the VC’s investments will be worth zero, nada, zilch, and they will seek to recoup something, anything, even just pennies on the dollar (pretty please?)…
And when that happens, when the Bankruptcy Judge brings down the gavel, the most valuable asset these companies have — all of my personal info, plus all of your contact info, plus every person you know’s name/number/email address — will be sold to the highest bidder. They may promise that they will protect your data, but I simply do not believe they can control anything post banckruptcy. The contracts are ignored.
Well said. That’s another good reason not to go whole hog without thinking twice about it.